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Blog Monitor


Do you want to watch the traffic on your Blog??
Do you want to see how many visitor on your Blog? How many people out there that actually read your Blog?

I am a person that is really curious about my writing.. Is there really somebody even see what I've been working on, the things that I've been spent on hours, days, and weeks.. This feelings inside "all of my hardwork".. hehe.. I believe everybody maybe would feel the same when it is about their own stuffs, right?

Well.. I just found a great site where you can monitor your Blog-Traffic for FREE!! But there is a hack for this one, you have to understand German-Languange.. hehe.. The Site comes from Germany, I don't know if it is also available for other countries yet..

As I said before, this Site is great, because they really watch the visitor completely through, where are they from (from which country), the time-visit, the browser-art from the visitor.. It is also included the monthly-diagram, weekly-diagram, hourly diagram, and bunch of other stuffs that I don't even understand what are they for.. ^_°

As I said, I've just signed up couple of hours ago.. I'll give my Feedback here again in couple of days later after I research the page through..

Well.. I see you again.. and thanks for reading my blog..


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